Please complete all required steps before proceeding.
\n\n If you have additional metrics and/or screeners that are\n specific to your category, you can tailor\n custom inputs for your study. You can\n add custom questions and up to 39 brands and 8\n categories.\n
\n\n Please add the competitive brand list for this category. These\n are the brands that will be used for past purchase, brand used\n most often and rejectors. You must add a minimun of 4 brands and\n you can up to 39. The brand entered in the first step will be\n used as the client brand. Please enter the brands in the\n appropriate language that you are fielding.\n
\n\n\n Please add the categories you want to see at the category\n qualifer question. The first category you enter will be how the\n category you are testing will actually appear in the survey.\n You must add a minimum of 4 but can add up to 8.\n Please translate these if your study is in a different language.\n
\n\n\n Add any additional questions you\n need.\n
\n No questions found.
\n Please adjust your search or filter criteria.\n
No saved questions found.
\n\n Please enter your age breaks. You have to enter a minimum of 2 and can\n add up to 6.\n
\n {{ validationMessage.ageInputs }}\n
\n\n Please enter your income breaks. You have to enter a minimum of 3 and\n can add up to 8. Please enter the income in the appropriate language and\n currency that you are fielding.\n
\n {{ validationMessage.incomeInputs }}\n
\n\n Please enter your regions. You have to enter a minimum of 3 and can add\n up to 15. Please enter the regions in the appropriate language that you\n are fielding if the respondent will be answering them directly.\n
\n {{ validationMessage.regionsInputs }}\n
\n If you have additional metrics and/or screeners that are\n specific to your category, you can tailor\n custom inputs for your study. You can\n add\n any additional custom questions you need, between 1-15 brands\n and up to 8 categories.\n
\n\n {{ brandsListIntroText }}\n
\n\n\n Please enter the question text for your category qualifier. This\n is the question that will ask respondents to select the category\n that best applies to them based on your input.\n
\n\n\n Please add the categories you want to see at the category\n qualifier question. The first category you enter will be how the\n category you are testing will actually appear in the survey. You\n must add a minimum of 4 but can add up to 8. Please translate\n these if your study is in a different language.\n
\n\n\n Add any additional questions you\n need.\n
\n No questions found.
\n Please adjust your search or filter criteria.\n
No saved questions found.
\n{{ subTitle }}
\n \n\n\n {{ description }}\n
\n\n No competitor pack selected.\n
\n\n Please select the relevant competitive product for\n {{ activeProductName }}.\n
\n{{ product.ProductName }}
\n\n {{ selectedRowKeys.length }} selected products\n 0\"\n @click=\"productsQuickPreview = !productsQuickPreview\"\n >{{ productsQuickPreviewTitle }}\n
\n\n No need to make changes to the Control version of this product.\n Add a new version by clicking the Add button.\n
\n 1. The width or height of the image should be at least 800px (based\n on product shape)\n
\nClick the image to see large version
\n \nClick the image to see large version
\nClick the image to see large version
\nClick the image to see large version
\n\n 2. The product image should be front-facing, sharp and of good\n quality. Typically, larger file sizes mean better resolution.\n
\n\n While some simple packs will look good even if your image file size\n is small, it is recommended that you use image files that are\n at least 50Kb\n to avoid quality bias and to ensure consistency across packs on the\n shelf.\n
\n\n 3. The product image should be saved in \"png\" format with a\n transparent background.\n
\n\n Providing image files with a transparent background allows the shelf\n to be assembled without human interaction. If the images CAN'T be\n provided in the required format, our QA processes will catch the\n issue and images can be sourced or optimized manually at an\n additional cost.\n
\n\n Please provide the planogram file to be used as the control\n leg in this pack test.\n
\n\n Read\n {{\n shelfData.psa !== null\n ? shelfData.psa.message.length\n : \"/\"\n }}\n products\n from file named\n {{ psaFile !== null ? : \"/\" }}.
\n Read\n {{\n shelfUploadData && shelfUploadData.productsNumber\n }}\n products\n from file named\n {{\n shelfUploadData && shelfUploadData.customURLs[0].fileName\n }}.
{{ shelfData.psa.message }}
\n\n Please provide product pricing details in CSV format.
\n [Download template]\n
\n Read\n {{\n shelfData.csv !== null\n ? productsList.length - emptyBrandPriceProducts.length\n : \"/\"\n }}\n products\n from file named\n {{ csvFile !== null ? : \"/\" }}.
\n Read\n {{\n shelfUploadData && shelfUploadData.productsNumber\n }}\n products\n from file named\n {{\n shelfUploadData && shelfUploadData.customURLs[1].fileName\n }}.
{{ shelfData.csv.message }}
\n\n Image preview\n
\n\n If available, please upload a high resolution shelf image\n which can be used in the study.
\n Providing this reduces cost and timing.\n
\n The image is successfully uploaded.\n
\n{{ shelfData.jpeg.message }}
\n\n Our methodology allows users to \"pick up\" products in a\n virtual environment so individual product images are required.\n You can zip and upload them or\n provide the network or Sharepoint location\n where images can be found.
If available, these can\n reduce cost and timing.\n
\n The .zip file is successfully uploaded.\n
\n\n {{ }}\n
\n\n The URL is successfully sent.\n
\n\n {{ shelfData.url.message }}\n
\n\n Loading recently added questions...\n
\n\n {{ selectedProducts ? selectedProducts.length : 0 }} selected products\n